Where have you been??! The craziest thing happened. One day when I was about to post about my protein adventure day 2, there was a knock at my front door. When I went to the door, there were three ninjas dressed in black (ninjas that knock?!) they grabbed my laptop off the table and dashed away. I was so distraught I called my husband at work and tried to convince him to let me run out and purchase another laptop right away "BUT honey my 6 followers and LeAnn, really want to know if I was able to make it to my magic protein number..." I was just unable to convince him. So my number one fan LeAnn put together a search party, we searched all day and all night for several weeks until finally we found the Ninjas. They were camped out under the old train bridge in the woods behind our neighborhood this whole time! LeAnn and I started to fight them off, when the ninjas saw our crazy ridiculous muscles from our cardio cross traning class and body pump class they ran away. We found my laptop safe and sound in the middle of their camp. Apparently they had taken my laptop to access pinterest (seriously pinterest?!) to pin new recipes and crafts (Ninjas that craft?!).
So now that I have my laptop back I can finally update you on what has been going on the last few weeks.
I've been kicking butt with my protein intake. I've been able to at least get to 90g each day. I did some crazy push ups on medicine balls. I also got a part time job. May was a crazy busy month with starting my new job, school activities, girl scout activities, softball games and dance classes. Here are a few pictures from May:
I only could do a couple...
Dance picture day
Taught my daughter how to ride a bike....my son wanted his picture taken... |
Early morning run....fastest 5K time and a bloody heel.
I promised my husband to not open the door for Ninjas in the future. Thanks again to LeAnn for organizing the search party and helping me confront the Ninjas.