Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Protein Adventure Day 1

The first thing I realized I needed to do was figure out exactly what I was going to eat today.  If I don't think ahead I'll end up not eating enough protein.  After planning out my meals, I realized just how challenging this was going to be.

Mondays are normally my day off from the gym. So staying within my calorie range seemed impossible at the beginning of the day.    I know today won't be as much as a challenge because I will earn a few calories back from my workouts, with that said I still need to pay attention to my totals. I also need to add more fruit.

GNC Total Lean:  25g Protein 200 Calories

Banana, Dry Roasted Almonds, Cheddar Cheese:  10g Protein 270 Calories

Grilled chicken and Broccoli:  50g Protein 260 Calories

Think Thin Protein Bar: 20g Protein 240 Calories

Grilled Chicken Salad (Original plan was Pork...but hubby was really wanting salad or I would have picked a different lunch): 34g Protein 420 Calories

Snack (Yes! I'm a snacker!!): 

Pita Chips: 4g Protein 120 Calories

Protein Total:  143g  I DID IT!!! YAY!!!!  (Earlier in the day I thought I needed more protein, but after additional research I came to the realization that 105g would be sufficient!)  

Calorie Total:  1510 calories and  I still stayed within my calorie goal!!! 

Monday, May 6, 2013

How much protein should I eat?

So I do partake in at least one protein shake or protein bar a day, however, I've been thinking I'm great at tracking my calorie but I really have no clue how much protein I eat in a day (and am guessing I don't get enough).

So starting today I'm going to start tracking my protein and I'm going to try my best to reach my daily goal of 105g of protein.

 How did I come to this number?!  Well I googled "How much protein should I eat?"  This is what I found:

For a healthy woman whose goal is to tone while losing weight you take .5 to .75  X your body weight to find  your magic protein number.  

So now the trick will be staying within my calorie intake which for me is 1530 ( I figured it out on my fitness pal its my "lose a half pound a week" number)  **I also always do my best to eat back 1/2  the calories I burn when I work out**

On another note we officially kicked of the 2013 Boating Season this weekend!!

 I even had time for a #flexbreak