Monday, June 3, 2013

Three Ninjas, LeAnn and Medicine Ball Push Ups

Where have you been??!  The craziest thing happened.  One day when I was about to post about my protein adventure day 2, there was a knock at my front door.  When I went to the door, there were three ninjas dressed in black (ninjas that knock?!)  they grabbed my laptop off the table and dashed away.  I was so distraught I called my husband at work and tried to convince him to let me run out and purchase another laptop right away "BUT honey my 6 followers and LeAnn, really want to know if I was able to make it to my magic protein number..."  I was just unable to convince him.  So my number one fan LeAnn put together a search party, we searched all day and all night for several weeks until finally we found the Ninjas.  They were camped out under the old train bridge in the woods behind our neighborhood this whole time!  LeAnn and I started to fight them off, when the ninjas saw our crazy ridiculous muscles from our cardio cross traning class and body pump class they ran away.  We found my laptop safe and sound in the middle of their camp.  Apparently they had taken my laptop to access pinterest (seriously pinterest?!) to pin new recipes and crafts (Ninjas that craft?!).

So now that I have my laptop back I can finally update you on what has been going on the last few weeks.

I've been kicking butt with my protein intake.  I've been able to at least get to 90g each day. I did some crazy push ups on medicine balls.  I also got a part time job.  May was a crazy busy month with starting my new job, school activities, girl scout activities, softball games and dance classes.  Here are a few pictures from May:

I only could do a couple...

Dance picture day 
Taught my daughter how to ride a son wanted his picture taken...
Early morning run....fastest 5K time and a bloody heel.

I promised my husband to not open the door for Ninjas in the future.  Thanks again to LeAnn for organizing the search party and helping me confront the Ninjas.  

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Protein Adventure Day 1

The first thing I realized I needed to do was figure out exactly what I was going to eat today.  If I don't think ahead I'll end up not eating enough protein.  After planning out my meals, I realized just how challenging this was going to be.

Mondays are normally my day off from the gym. So staying within my calorie range seemed impossible at the beginning of the day.    I know today won't be as much as a challenge because I will earn a few calories back from my workouts, with that said I still need to pay attention to my totals. I also need to add more fruit.

GNC Total Lean:  25g Protein 200 Calories

Banana, Dry Roasted Almonds, Cheddar Cheese:  10g Protein 270 Calories

Grilled chicken and Broccoli:  50g Protein 260 Calories

Think Thin Protein Bar: 20g Protein 240 Calories

Grilled Chicken Salad (Original plan was Pork...but hubby was really wanting salad or I would have picked a different lunch): 34g Protein 420 Calories

Snack (Yes! I'm a snacker!!): 

Pita Chips: 4g Protein 120 Calories

Protein Total:  143g  I DID IT!!! YAY!!!!  (Earlier in the day I thought I needed more protein, but after additional research I came to the realization that 105g would be sufficient!)  

Calorie Total:  1510 calories and  I still stayed within my calorie goal!!! 

Monday, May 6, 2013

How much protein should I eat?

So I do partake in at least one protein shake or protein bar a day, however, I've been thinking I'm great at tracking my calorie but I really have no clue how much protein I eat in a day (and am guessing I don't get enough).

So starting today I'm going to start tracking my protein and I'm going to try my best to reach my daily goal of 105g of protein.

 How did I come to this number?!  Well I googled "How much protein should I eat?"  This is what I found:

For a healthy woman whose goal is to tone while losing weight you take .5 to .75  X your body weight to find  your magic protein number.  

So now the trick will be staying within my calorie intake which for me is 1530 ( I figured it out on my fitness pal its my "lose a half pound a week" number)  **I also always do my best to eat back 1/2  the calories I burn when I work out**

On another note we officially kicked of the 2013 Boating Season this weekend!!

 I even had time for a #flexbreak

Friday, April 19, 2013

Non-Scale Victories Linkup

This week was an ok week, I've had a cold and haven't felt like doing much of anything BUT I still got my butt to the gym almost everyday.  So I guess that's my 1st NSV for the week.  

 My 2nd NSV for this week I'm really proud of: Yesterday I felt like CRAP I was tired, I had a cold and my entire body was sore from an intense cross training class earlier in the week.  I got up and got my gym clothes on to head to my BodyPump Class (didn't really want to go, but my neighbor was planning on going and I didn't want to let her down plus I meet up with another friend when I get there).  As soon as I was heading out the door I got a FB message that my friend from the gym wouldn't be there and then when I got to my daughter's bus stop my neighbor was NOT in her gym clothes, and told me she wouldn't be going after all. I went to the class anyway already knowing my workout was going to suck.   So what does a girl do who has a cold and is sore from the other day?? Lift light weights that day??....NOPE not this girl!  I upped my weight for each exercise. I felt AMAZING afterwards, I'm glad I didn't let my poor attitude take over.   

My goal for next week is sticking with my "new" BodyPump weights.  


Running on adrenaline and caffeine...

So I've slept like CRAP this whole week (terrible cold, kids waking up several times a night, dreaming about my dog having surgery and sleeping on the couch last night in the basement to keep my dog company when she got home....)

Here is my dog Butterscotch:

(Notice the HUGE fat lipoma under her neck.  She has had it for a few years now, however, in the last few months it had started to grow bigger and faster. )

 We took her to the vet a year ago for it and we were pretty much talked out of having it removed because it wasn't really affecting her way of living and there was a 50/50 chance that it would grow back.

The last two months it had been really bad and she looked so uncomfortable.  So much so the neighbors were talking and questioning our vets decision they made last year.  Every day I'd tell Butterscotch how sorry I was about how uncomfortable she was.  She is 10 years old and we really had a lot of inner struggles on what would be the best decision.   How far (money wise) do we go for our family pet?? How many years does she really have left??  Will this ever stop growing??

We took her back to the vet on Tuesday to meet with a surgeon.  They ran some tests and told us that she doesn't appear to have any "old dog problems" and it really looks like it is just fat.  Basically meaning surgery would be safe, if the tests came back showing cancer or showing other "old dog problems" we may have just skipped surgery to be on the safe side.

They gave us the estimate of surgery and after explaining every charge, they said "So how about tomorrow for surgery?"  We were shocked  she would be able to have surgery so soon, so we signed some papers and kissed her goodbye.

Surgery went well and we were able to pick her up yesterday evening.  Oh and guess what?!  It weighed 8lbs!!!  We are so glad we had it removed.  Could you imagine an 8lb fat mass hanging from your chest?!

She is at home now and resting comfortably.  She is going to be a whole new dog!

This is her in her "cross your heart bandage"

This is her in her Salty Dog Cafe shirt (we were asked to put a tshirt on her because she has one exposed incision )

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Finish the sentence Linkup!

1. I laughed so hard I cried during our annual Halloween Party this year, check out this crew. ...How could you not laugh?! 

2. My high school made the MTV senior prank show when the seniors (my junior year) broke in to the school and shoved chickens in lockers as their senior prank.  The chickens were found before school started the next day.

3. It really pisses me off when people complain about my specific gym when they only actually go once a week.  I could write a whole blog post about this...and maybe I just will....    

4. In ten years I will be 40 and will be in crazy amazing shape or just crazy as I will be the mother of a 17 year old girl and a 13 year old boy. AHHHH!! 

5. If I could erase one thing I'd erase the chalkboard in the kitchen. It's where I keep track of what bills are due when and what checks are out.  NO MORE BILLS!!   

6. In 1999 I honestly believed I was destined to marry Taylor Hanson. I had all of our future kids named. This is so true....I'm slightly embarrassed.   

7. Honestly I am afraid you will now stop reading my blog after the Taylor Hanson sentence.  At least you know I tell it how it is.  

8. To me, Sushi is something I have never had the desire to try.  But if you have some right now I may just try it because I'm STARVING!!  

9. Someone really needs to invent a car that drives completely on its own. I don't hate driving, but I'd rather sit in the passenger seat some days.   

10. The first time I drank alcohol was when I was 18, I thought I was pretty awesome.  Smirnoff Ice was where it was at and it was also the first thing I got sick on. I will never again be able to drink that stuff.  

11. The one question I would ask God is How is my Grandma doing and is she out of pain? 

12. Lindsay Lohan should find better friends.  I can't help but want to give her more chances, I still picture her as the little girl in Parent Trap (still one of my favorite movies.... "L is for the way you look tonight..." ok, sorry) 


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Yearbook Linkup

I have to admit this was very painful having to look through these pictures. YIKES!!!!

My Senior picture for the yearbook....GREAT....Just how I want everyone to remember me....

Captain of the color guard.... SEQUINS!!! 

Yes this pictures was also in the yearbook...we were so doing the "Charlie's Angels" pose.  Also Adidas jackets were so in.... (the rest of  my friends are cropped out for their own protection) 

This was almost as painful as looking through old Facebook pictures that I was tagged in before I lost weight.  
