Thursday, April 18, 2013

Finish the sentence Linkup!

1. I laughed so hard I cried during our annual Halloween Party this year, check out this crew. ...How could you not laugh?! 

2. My high school made the MTV senior prank show when the seniors (my junior year) broke in to the school and shoved chickens in lockers as their senior prank.  The chickens were found before school started the next day.

3. It really pisses me off when people complain about my specific gym when they only actually go once a week.  I could write a whole blog post about this...and maybe I just will....    

4. In ten years I will be 40 and will be in crazy amazing shape or just crazy as I will be the mother of a 17 year old girl and a 13 year old boy. AHHHH!! 

5. If I could erase one thing I'd erase the chalkboard in the kitchen. It's where I keep track of what bills are due when and what checks are out.  NO MORE BILLS!!   

6. In 1999 I honestly believed I was destined to marry Taylor Hanson. I had all of our future kids named. This is so true....I'm slightly embarrassed.   

7. Honestly I am afraid you will now stop reading my blog after the Taylor Hanson sentence.  At least you know I tell it how it is.  

8. To me, Sushi is something I have never had the desire to try.  But if you have some right now I may just try it because I'm STARVING!!  

9. Someone really needs to invent a car that drives completely on its own. I don't hate driving, but I'd rather sit in the passenger seat some days.   

10. The first time I drank alcohol was when I was 18, I thought I was pretty awesome.  Smirnoff Ice was where it was at and it was also the first thing I got sick on. I will never again be able to drink that stuff.  

11. The one question I would ask God is How is my Grandma doing and is she out of pain? 

12. Lindsay Lohan should find better friends.  I can't help but want to give her more chances, I still picture her as the little girl in Parent Trap (still one of my favorite movies.... "L is for the way you look tonight..." ok, sorry) 



  1. adult halloween costumes ALWAYS make me laugh..thanks for linking with us!

  2. I am visiting from the link-up! That is an awesome picture of Taylor Hanson, if I knew he was that handsome, I might have planned to have his babies too!! bahahaha!!
