Friday, April 19, 2013

Running on adrenaline and caffeine...

So I've slept like CRAP this whole week (terrible cold, kids waking up several times a night, dreaming about my dog having surgery and sleeping on the couch last night in the basement to keep my dog company when she got home....)

Here is my dog Butterscotch:

(Notice the HUGE fat lipoma under her neck.  She has had it for a few years now, however, in the last few months it had started to grow bigger and faster. )

 We took her to the vet a year ago for it and we were pretty much talked out of having it removed because it wasn't really affecting her way of living and there was a 50/50 chance that it would grow back.

The last two months it had been really bad and she looked so uncomfortable.  So much so the neighbors were talking and questioning our vets decision they made last year.  Every day I'd tell Butterscotch how sorry I was about how uncomfortable she was.  She is 10 years old and we really had a lot of inner struggles on what would be the best decision.   How far (money wise) do we go for our family pet?? How many years does she really have left??  Will this ever stop growing??

We took her back to the vet on Tuesday to meet with a surgeon.  They ran some tests and told us that she doesn't appear to have any "old dog problems" and it really looks like it is just fat.  Basically meaning surgery would be safe, if the tests came back showing cancer or showing other "old dog problems" we may have just skipped surgery to be on the safe side.

They gave us the estimate of surgery and after explaining every charge, they said "So how about tomorrow for surgery?"  We were shocked  she would be able to have surgery so soon, so we signed some papers and kissed her goodbye.

Surgery went well and we were able to pick her up yesterday evening.  Oh and guess what?!  It weighed 8lbs!!!  We are so glad we had it removed.  Could you imagine an 8lb fat mass hanging from your chest?!

She is at home now and resting comfortably.  She is going to be a whole new dog!

This is her in her "cross your heart bandage"

This is her in her Salty Dog Cafe shirt (we were asked to put a tshirt on her because she has one exposed incision )

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