Friday, April 5, 2013

Spring is coming!!

Winter makes me lazy, like seriously lazy.  Most of my friends would slap me across the face if they heard me say that, because from the outside I don't look lazy at all.  I'm a stay at home most of the time mom (I work one day a week for 3 hours) my day consists of getting the kids ready for school, working out at the gym for an hour (or two depending on the day) coming home, cleaning the house for an hour or so, getting the kids from school and then making/cleaning up dinner. Three nights a week we are running to extra curricular activities for my daughter. BUT in between all of that I'm sitting on the couch watching TV or on the computer (or 99%  of the time both).  I just can't motivate myself to do much of anything else, during the winter months!! 

My weight as pretty much stayed the same since January (on good days I'm down 2 lbs), however, I have noticed changes in my body (which is why I'm seriously considering breaking up with my scale....but don't say anything because I don't want to piss the scale off)  my abs are getting stronger and my quads are really tightening up (which is part of my "trouble" area.)  So I have high hopes that spring will help me be on my feet more and hopefully I cant get my weight down some more.  
My Easter Dress.  From Kohls (Found int he JUNIORS section..)

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am for Spring!!!  This winter has been way too long and way too drawn out.   I'm so ready to get my  hands dirty in my flower beds, hearing the kids playing (and not having it echo throughout the house), the campfires with our neighbors and of course watching my hubby work on our boat!  

Oh yeah, we have a boat!  Last year by this time we were already out on the boat 3 times (not swimming though).  This will be our second "boating season" owning our boat, I'm am so excited to get out on the river again!  

And of course most of all I can't WAIT to run and run like crazy!!!  (Becky from 2009 just showed up and seriously just punched me in the face) I have so many "fun runs" this summer coming up: two mud runs and one color run.  I'd do more, but they get kind of expensive after awhile. 

If you're looking for me I will be outside.....


  1. I am so ready for Spring too! Oh and I love your Easter dress. So cute!

    1. Thank you so much! I never thought dresses looked nice on me, so it's been exciting slowly adding dresses back into my wardrobe!! :-)
